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Tuna Fishcakes

Preparation Time: 45 minutes

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Serve: 6 people

  • Mashed potato
  • Two small tins of tuna or one large tin of tuna in Brine
  • One teaspoon Mayonnaise
  • Egg
  • Flour
  • Breadcrumbs


Mix mashed potatoes with drained tuna add mayonnaise and ensure E mix is incorporated. Shape tuna and potatoes mixture into round patties around 1.5 inch thick. Dip in fish patties into flour, then in egg and cover in breadcrumbs. One all patties are covered store in refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes. When ready to cook, pour in 1 actifry spoon of sunflower oil add in fish cakes in the acttifry pan RE!OVE rotator, cook for 15 minutes, after this time turn fish cakes over and cook for a further 15,inutes.
